About Us


We are so glad that you have joined us whether it’s for a visit or to stay. 

What unites us is our Savior, Jesus Christ, and a common mission to be active participants in the Great Commission. (Matthew 28:19-20).  

So what should you expect while you’re with us? Most importantly, we will share the Good News of Jesus Christ in song and sermon. No doubt, you will meet some friendly people who may offer you a cup of coffee or would just love to get to know you. And finally, you will discover a handful of ways that you and your family could grow as Disciples of Christ.

It is our desire that you will feel at home and find this to be a church where you connect with others, grow in your faith, and find how your giftedness can honor the Lord as you serve others. (Acts 2:40-47)

It would be an honor to play a part in God’s plans and purposes for your life. Come, see, grow, go, and tell the world that Jesus saves.


What We Believe


Meet Our Staff